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Frequently Asked Questions
Can you accomodate a trip or car i don't see listed?
Absolutely! One of the areas KG Image Limo is especially skilled at is providing travel solutions that are custom-tailored to your exact needs, usually with little preparation time necessary. Whether you’re shopping around for a new travel experience or you need our services for extended periods of time or distance, simply get in touch and we’ll design your perfect trip at the lowest rates around.
What is your cancellation policy?
Reservations must be cancelled no later than 72 hours prior to your trip, or we will be forced to charge a Late Cancellation Fee.
Late Cancellation Fees are specific to your reservation, and are based upon the details of your trip.
What is your airport waiting policy?
Domestic Flights: Your chauffeur will wait for thirty (30) minutes after your flight lands at no additional cost; additional time will be charged at 15-minute intervals at $1/minute.
International Flights: Your chauffeur will wait for sixty (60) minutes after your flight lands at no additional cost; additional time will be charged at 15-minute intervals at $1/minute.
Can I get an invoice/receipt for my order?
No matter how you prefer to pay for your trip, KG Image Limo QC Experts will provide you with detailed reporting in whichever format you prefer – simply provide us with your requirements, and let us handle the rest!
Can I book KG Image Limo anywhere nationwide?
Yes! As well as the New York City/Tri-State area, we also serve 200+ cities nationwide, which includes all 50 states.
What type of payment do you accept?
We accept all form of credit cards including Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover.
Am I charged for addtional wait time if my chauffeur arrives ahead of schedule?
No. Your complimentary waiting time starts at your scheduled pickup time, regardless of how early the chauffeur arrives. By providing your flight or train number or ship’s name when booking, your chauffeur will be able to track your arrival time and adjust the pickup in case of any delays or early arrivals.
Will I be picked up on time if my flight arrives late?
Yes! Our reliable dispatch team begins tracking your flight at least 12 hours prior to your arrival.
When will I receive my chauffeurs' information?
The chauffeur assigned to your trip, along with their phone number, will be automatically updated on the link you receive for your reservation. If you booked for someone else, the chauffeur’s contact information will be sent to the email address provided in the booking process.
Is there an extra charge for additional stops?
Yes. Additional stops must be accounted for and your trip invoice will be adjusted accordingly.
How can I make a complaint?
via phone: 1 (866) KG IMAGE
via email: [email protected]
via Postal Mail: 418 Broadway, Suite 2160, Bayonne, NJ 07002
We would greatly appreciate your feedback as it would help us improve our service.